Restrictions against Jews, 1938 Newspaper Reports in the Voelkischer Beobachter. Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression , Vol. 5 (Washington 1946) p. 369-71 Voelkischer Beobachter On 5 December 1938: NO MORE JEWISH DRIVERS Immediate repeal of drivers' licenses and registration papers. Heinrich Himmler, the Reichfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior, issued the following preliminary police ordinance on the repeal of drivers' licenses and registration papers of mechanised vehicles issued to Jews. The dastardly murder by the Jew Grynspan, aimed at the entire German people, makes the Jews appear as unreliable and unfit for owning and driving of mechanised vehicles. Subject to a definitive regulation the following is decreed: For general security and police reasons and for the protection of the public I herewith prohibit all Jews of German nationality living in Germany from driving mechanised vehicles of all kinds and herewith repeal their drivers' licenses, effective immediately. Jews of German nationality living in Germany are prohibited from owning cars and motorcycles (with and without sidecar). As to trucks additional regulation is reserved. Jews of German nationality living in Germany must deliver up their drivers' licenses of all grades as well as the registration cards for cars and motorcycles without delay by 31 December 1938 at the latest to the respective police precincts or registration offices. The official plates are to be submitted with the registration cards to be de-stamped. The competent police and administrative offices have to take the necessary measures. Offences will be punished in accordance with existing laws. This police ordinance becomes effective immediately upon its publication by the press. No further communication will be made officially to the authorities in question. RESTRICTION AGAINST JEWS IN BERLIN BEGINNING 6 DECEMBER In accordance with Reich Police decree of 28 November 1938…the President of Police for the district of Berlin has issued a first order which will become effective on the 6 December 1938. It decrees that streets, squares, parks and buildings [in areas], which are affected by the restriction against Jews are not to be entered or driven through by Jews who are German subjects or by Jews without citizenship. If such Jews are still residents of a district, which was affected by the restrictions against Jews at the time when this decree becomes effective, they will have to use a permit issued by the police station of this residential district in order to cross the border of the restricted area. Effective July 1939 and thereafter permits for residents of the restricted area will not be issued anymore. The restriction against Jews in Berlin includes: All theatres, cinemas, cabarets, public concert and lecture halls, museums, amusement places, the exhibition halls at the Messedamm [fair grounds] including the exhibition area and radio tower, the Deutschlandshalle and the Sports Palace, the Reich Sports Grounds and all sport grounds, including the ice skating rinks. All public and private bathing establishments and indoor baths as well as open-air baths. The Wilhelmstrasse from the Leipziger Strasse up to Unter den Linden, including the Wilhelmplatz [the government district]. The Vossstrasse from the Hermann Goeringstrasse up to the Wilhelmstrasse. The Reich Honour Monument including the sidewalk on the north side of Unter den Linden from the university to the Zeughaus [Military History Museum]. Exempted from articles 1 and 2 are the institutions and events, which have been opened to Jewish visitors in accordance with properly authorised permission. Intentional or neglectful violation will be punished with a fine of up to 150 Marks or confinement up to 6 weeks. In addition it is announced among other things that still needed orders of execution will be issued. This restriction against Jews does not apply to foreign Jews. It is probable that the restriction against Jews which has no time limits, will soon be extended to include a large number of Berlin streets. In this respect the main streets and thoroughfares of Berlin especially come into consideration, because in these streets in particular Jewry even today more or less dominates the street scene. The rows of streets in the centre and the north of Berlin, where the Jewish element has predominated for centuries already, as for example the Muenz, Linien and Grenadier streets [streets in the Jewish quarter of Berlin] will probably not be included in the districts restricted against Jews. It is therefore to be recommended that the Jews start right now looking for another residence in one of the above-mentioned parts of Berlin, and perhaps effect an exchange of residence with one of the Germans residing there. Furthermore the Jews can figure on being restricted to purely Jewish inns in the future. On 15 November 1938 A decree of the Reich Minister for Education taking immediate effect. It is known that the Reich Minister for Science, Training and Education for a long time has admitted Jews to the German universities to a very modest extent only. The draft of a bill now in preparation provides that in future no more Jews will be admitted to German universities. The indignation of the German people aroused by the infamous crime of the Jew Grynspan called for immediate action, as German students cannot be expected to work along with Jews in the universities and their installations any longer. Reich Minister Rust therefore has ordered the rectors of German universities by telegraph to prohibit Jews from participation in the lectures and exercises as well as from entering the university buildings. Commentary of the Voelkischer Beobachter on the Prohibition for Jews to own and drive cars, Voelkischer Beobachter, 4 December 1938. …With this defensive measure against Jewish usurpation, the National Socialist State gave expression to the healthy sense of justice of the German people. For a long time the German felt that it was a provocation and an endangerment of public life that Jews were driving their cars in the German streets or even that they were benefiting from the road system of Adolf Hitler, built with the labour of Germans. This situation that has long been borne with patience by the German people now too has come to an end. Jews in Germany have no place in the driver seat of a car. Instead, the working German will have more opportunity than before to see the beauty of his fatherland and refresh his forces for his work, seated in the car that is the creation of German spirit and German labour. The National Socialist State aspires that traffic in the streets will become a community of all German people who voluntarily submit themselves to the necessities and laws of traffic. The Jews does not belong in such a community…